Hi $$First Name$$,
At ACHNE, we are proud of the work that our members do to advance community health nursing education. Multiple ACHNE Members are presenting at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2023 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia from November 12-15, 2023. If you are attending APHA next week, make sure to add these presentations to your agenda and support your fellow ACHNE Members:
You can also swing by the ACHNE exhibit booth, 1433, to find more ACHNE members. Pick up your ACHNE member button and help us spread the word!
Are they interested in helping with the booth? You can sign up for a 1-hour shift and share your love for all things ACHNE here: Booth Volunteer Sign-Up
ACHNE President Krista Jones and President-elect Heide Cygan will host a Monday morning Walk & Talk on November 13 at 8 am ET. If you are interested, click here to join the list.
Roxy West, CAE
ACHNE Executive Director